Thursday, 09 May 2024

Ganizo | Agriconomy

Sanctions, or talk of sanctions, toward Russia create opportunities for the African Agricultural Economy, especially fertilizer production amongst other things. Throwing threats and executing them are two different things, and what lies between must be an impact assessment on the Global Economy, instead of just thinking of immediate harm to the Russian economy. A post Russian sanctions simulation is necessary to bring perspective.

A study by Sebastian Scott for FAO. Since its establishment in 2008, Old Orchard Organic Farm has grown every year in diversity and size. The farm is run by two people, including building, irrigation installation, crop production and marketing.

The Women’s Farming Syndicate (WFS), founded in 2011, is an agribusiness community with a diverse membership from professionals to grass roots; a business constituency that has grown to over 5,000 women entrepreneurs across the country with key projects and programmes that include the Annual Women’s Showcase Market, the Weekly SMEs Market, and an eCommerce platform.